Unveiling My Journey: From Education to Efficiency

Here I am, finally doing all the things I love after harnessing my skill set through a variety of careers, education, and jobs I didn’t necessarily like. My educational background includes more than 2 years of business courses before deciding to get my BA degree in Elementary Education.

After several years working in the classroom, I spent the next 15 years building a successful career in the mortgage profession, where I used my teaching skills to educate the consumer and train others in her profession. Later, I worked as a procurement specialist with a manufacturer, where I discovered my knack for streamlining processes.

I nurtured this desire by pursuing additional education in the area of Lean Six Sigma. With the diverse skill set acquired through these years, I have been instrumental in assisting businesses to achieve optimum efficiency while motivating others to be the best they can be in their positions.

Presently, I am back in the mortgage business, educating consumers and helping them to build generational wealth. Today, I can honestly say that I am living my passions through the three things I love to do, and I am doing it the LaHeart way.

Unleash Your Passion and Expertise

Ready to optimize efficiency, unlock potential, and build generational wealth? Discover how I bring passion and expertise to the mortgage business, offering education and empowerment.

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